#eye #eye


An endless runner game.
11 / 2021

Select one of the three maps and one of the three characters. Game physics coded with Phaser3 and designs created with spritesheets.

Play it HERE and see code HERE!


More than just an e-com.
04 / 2022

The Hills is essentially a platform where we can create a digital community, where anything can be bought, NFTs, fashion etc.

The core of it is a tower where you purchase properties and can personalize them.

See Frontend code HERE

and Backend code HERE


03 / 2022

First time building an e-commerce, including both Front End and Back End, introducing MERN stack.

My learnings were to build the whole back end and combining it with the front end. Creating an API, server, and database. I also spent time on really understanding React.js.

See code HERE


Focus on JavaScript
10 / 2021

Project White Rabbit is a Matrix themed reaction game that incorporates local/session storage and the Date( ) function.

Click on the rabbits as fast as possible.

Play it HERE and see code HERE!


Focus on JavaScript
10 / 2021

The Marvel Quiz is a Marvel themed quiz that incorporates Firebase/Firestore.

The ultimate fan quiz.

If (you assume you are a Marvel fan) {
prove it HERE!}
else {
see code HERE!}

Used grid and overlaying pages for the design.
Also for the first time working with a database.

For both these projects, the GIF and the caption shown are depending on the score you get.